Purim celebrations are different this year — same Jewish holiday, different mask
I drew a cartoon comparing 2020 Purim holiday celebrations to how we're celebrating in 2021.
Feb 26, 20211 min read

Dyker Heights is the ultimate holiday destination in brooklyn
A couple of weeks ago, I visited Dyker Heights in Brooklyn with my family. Here's a doodle about how acting like a kid makes it more fun.
Jan 4, 20211 min read

Christmas observations from an outsider
I doodled about what outsiders think of Christmas.
Dec 25, 20201 min read

9 types of people celebrating Hanukkah
A funny comic about the personality types of people celebrating this Jewish holiday.
Dec 16, 20201 min read

Why I'm feeling more emotional than ever
I drew a doodle about everything that makes me cry lately — TV, small business news, outdoor music, and life milestones.
Dec 14, 20201 min read

This Hanukah, I feel like a menorah in the window
I compare my Hanukah this year to Hanukah last year with a doodle, pictures, and a video.
Dec 12, 20202 min read

This Thanksgiving we ate skinny turkeys
This Thanksgiving was different than normal, and the turkeys noticed.
Nov 29, 20201 min read

My best Halloween costumes - in doodles
Here are some of my favorite DIY Halloween costumes from the past few years.
Oct 31, 20201 min read

How my birthday party compared to Kim Kardashian's private island getaway
Kim Kardashian and I both celebrated our birthdays this year. Click for the full doodle!
Oct 27, 20201 min read

My best birthday parties, doodles of the decades
Doodles of my top birthday moments over the decades. Click to see all three doodles.
Oct 22, 20201 min read

My typical Jewish New Year versus American New Year's eve
Here's how my two New Years are celebrated very differently. Click to see both doodles.
Sep 30, 20201 min read