What it's like to go to Trybal Gatherings — summer camp for adults
See the cartoons and photos that show what it's like to go back to sleepaway camp as an adult in the Berkshires with Trybal Gatherings.
Sep 5, 20223 min read

Jew of the Week Adi Tzadok is creating a new style of Judaica for all types of Jews
I interviewed Adi Tzadok of Adi Fine art. She's a Jewish artist creating her own style of Judaica and recently partnered with Rudy Rochman.
Aug 21, 20223 min read

Dyker Heights is the ultimate holiday destination in brooklyn
A couple of weeks ago, I visited Dyker Heights in Brooklyn with my family. Here's a doodle about how acting like a kid makes it more fun.
Jan 4, 20211 min read

9 types of people celebrating Hanukkah
A funny comic about the personality types of people celebrating this Jewish holiday.
Dec 16, 20201 min read