Mask on or mask off? Reactions to the new CDC guidelines.
Believe it or not, the CDC is finally relaxing outdoor mask guidelines! How are people reacting?
May 5, 20211 min read

4/20 highs and lows - 9 types of high people
When you get high, do you laugh, get paranoid, or stay silent? Here are the 9 types of "highs" in a doodle.
Apr 20, 20211 min read

What 'Quaran-type' are you? A guide to discovering your quarantine persona.
Everyone has their role during COVID-19. What type of person are you during quarantine?
Apr 12, 20211 min read

My four favorite YouTubers for inspiration, learning, and relaxing
During quarantine, I've not only been creating more than ever but I've also been consuming more content on more platforms than ever. Here...
Mar 6, 20211 min read

Ted Cruz family vacation fail in Mexico
Ted Cruz upsets Texans and his family over a tone-deaf trip to Mexico during a natural disaster.
Feb 21, 20211 min read

I was fired from a White House once
A doodle parody of getting fired from working at a White House.
Jan 11, 20211 min read

Dyker Heights is the ultimate holiday destination in brooklyn
A couple of weeks ago, I visited Dyker Heights in Brooklyn with my family. Here's a doodle about how acting like a kid makes it more fun.
Jan 4, 20211 min read

9 life rules from Hilaria Baldwin
Here's how Hilaria Baldwin lives her life, and what we can learn from it.
Jan 3, 20211 min read

9 types of people celebrating Hanukkah
A funny comic about the personality types of people celebrating this Jewish holiday.
Dec 16, 20201 min read

This Hanukah, I feel like a menorah in the window
I compare my Hanukah this year to Hanukah last year with a doodle, pictures, and a video.
Dec 12, 20202 min read